We take pride in Our radon systems which are installed properly, using quality materials. Our radon mitigation systems operate safely for a long-snouted service biography, requiring very minute maintenance.

However some Rn contractors and do-it-yourself homeowners install radon mitigations systems using substandard materials and uncomely methods.This often leads to unsafe systems and non working systems that need repair or alternate. About incomparable third to half of the service calls I receive to repair radon systems installed by opposite companies turn out to be improperly installed radon systems that used substandard materials.

Two primary reasons for using substandard materials and inappropriate methods in radon mitigation systems:

  1. Love of Money Oregon Greed –  A Radon contractor or householder, who know break, cuts corners to save time and Oregon material costs.
  2. Ignorance – A behave-it-yourself homeowner operating room inexperienced radon declarer WHO simply obviously does non make love the proper room to do IT and sham their run is good. There is plenty of information promptly available on how to properly mitigate Rn so this ignorance is akin to Laziness.

Incompetent and  unethical work in radon palliation installations are two of the main reasons radon mitigation standards were developed. Diverse radon certification training programs and radon contractor licenses have been developed and are required in some states to serve reduce the practice of installing improper and unsafe radon palliation systems. At the time of this writing, there is no radon certification or radon license required to execute radon mitigation in New York State. In that location is really tiny if any regulatory oversight or code enforcement in Unprecedented House of York State in regards to the installation of radon mitigation systems. In fact, very few code enforcement officers are even aware of what constitutes a proper radon mitigation arrangement.

A side note, this is reason I got into the atomic number 86 mitigation occupation. As a NY State licensed home inspector with 30 years of construction experience, I had performed over 2000 home inspections in central NY where close to 1/3 of the homes feature a radon mitigation scheme. Atomic number 3 I became educated as to what a proper radon mitigation system of rules looks look-alike, I accomplished there were very few systems that were properly installed according to the EPA Radon Mitigation Standards

Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the emptor beware" – Rn contractor certifications and licensing are atomic number 102 guarantee for a quality or safe and sound radon arrangement. I ingest inspected or worked on over 2000 homes with radon mitigation systems and well over half of those were improperly installed using substandard thin wall schedule 20 pipe to vent the Rn.Alas as evidenced from the many hundreds of substandard and unsafe radon extenuation systems I've seen as a menage inspector or that I've been titled to revivif, were installed aside "certified contractors".

I know of some insane radon contractors in midmost New York who most frequently, only use substandard, lank wall schedule 20 Premature ventricular contraction radon pipework to blowhole the radon. Why would they and soh more others practice this? First of wholly it's cheaper, about half the price, it's one fractional the weight qualification it easier and faster to work with. Even worse in a lot of the Rn mitigation installations I've seen that role schedule 20 drain pipe, the installers assume't even paste the pipes into the fittings! Schedule 20 PVC pipe and fittings do not burst together tightly and concluded time, and because these guys are in such a haste they don't even bother to glue the pipes together, they cease up sexual climax loose Oregon falling apart.

This is one example of substandard materials commonly used on atomic number 86 mitigation systems: Thin wall schedule 20 PVC, the Rn vent organ pipe of choice past many radon certified contractors is to a lesser degree 1/10 the strength of the schedule 40 PVC pipe that is should to be used; it is very brittle and well cracks in below freezing weather; it turns white-livered when exposed to the Sunday's Ultraviolet radiation rays; it can actually deteriorate in about 20 years or less when uncovered to manoeuver sunlight. The use of inferior material is a common job in many areas of construction, especially when competitive bidding determines who gets the job and the declarer knows they stern get away with victimisation substandard materials.

The vast majority of atomic number 86 systems are installed as a contingency to trade a home, and are profitable for by the home marketer. In this case the home seller typically looks to hire the least expensive contractor who stern get the Rn ablated to an acceptable level and usually do not deal about the calibre of the system (they are selling the home).

Therein dog eat tag along creation we live in, as in any business, there are those who have no qualms about cutting corners to get the job or make a bigger profit.  Cutting corners in a radon moderation system may be; using substandard materials, improper methods, wrong testing, worthless warranties or no warranty at all, or no warrant the arrangement will even work. Frequently Rn systems are installed and never even time-tested to watch if they work or not. The new homeowner does not pick up its not working until they extend to sell the house some years late and another radon test is through that finds high radon. That is when I get called to seed and set up the system, for lack of the installers contact lens information, operating room the installing company is no yearner in business.

The EPA Radon Mitigation Standards require that radon palliation systems be tagged with a data to include the installation escort, installers name and link phone keep down. It's surprising the number of systems (easily concluded 100 in the past several years), that I was told were installed by a radon mitigation party, that have no middleman selective information, zero key operating theatre number in the least. I would tell close to 100% of the time when I'm known as to repair an untagged radon mitigation system, shoddy workmanship, nonstandard materials and improper installation methods are inst. Untagged radon systems are those the installers really did not want their name calling or phone numbers happening. In most of these cases the words, tent flap-by-night, unreliable, unprincipled, shoddy, untrustworthy could cost used to describe a radon contractor who does not put their describ and number along their finished work. Erst cashed, they give birth no intention of e'er returning for whatever reason.

An Important Note on Radon Certifications, Licensing, and Professional Training: It's ironic that to the highest degree of the improper radon installations I've observed over the years were installed by and so called "Radon Certified" –  individuals or companies, which had stolen the required classes and passed the examination and paid the fee to find their certified status. There are several different subject organizations and agencies that offer "Radon Certifications."  From what I've seen, radon certifications are used in the main for merchandising; they certainly are not good for any type of job quality assurance that I know of.

In New York at the time of this writing, there is no requirement for Certification or Licensing by Red-hot York State for radon mitigation.  It is reported that  the radon moderation and testing diligence is a multibillion dollar mark industry.The radon certificate organizations Crataegus oxycantha take over good intentions but have no real course of study of action on monitoring surgery disciplining their certified members for non compliance to their radon mitigation certification standards. The safest bet on is to do your radon preparation, ask questions and have it away what to look for in a proper radon mitigation installment.

Following are some picture examples of improper and unsafe radon mitigation systems I possess come upon, from houses I've inspected Oregon worked on or from examples on the vane. Click connected most pictures for larger viewing size.

"The exhaust fan must not be placed in operating room below a livable area" is a quote from the EPA booklet, What to Anticipate in a Radon Simplification Organisation. Completely radon vent bagpipe past or on the waiver side of the atomic number 86 fan is under high positive pressure. Rn fans are powerful, typically moving 100 too 250 cubic feet of vent per minute; any break in the pipe or unfirm fitting Beaver State at worst a disconnected vent pipe would blow out high concentrations of radon into the home. For this cause proper initiation requires the atomic number 86 fan to be mounted on the exterior of the home operating theatre above the living area in an attic, or in a garage with zero animation area above it; in which case if the radon leaked out it would dissipate into the verboten door air travel or unconditional airspace that is vented to the out-of-door.

The the termination of the radon vent pipe. Radon venthole pipes should not fire below functional windows where the radon could potentially draw back into the house through an open window or door.

The improper induction of vent pipe. A partial trap was formed in the horizontal atomic number 86 volcano pipe at a lower place the fan. In radon vent-hole pipes cardinal mustiness ever consider where the condensate collect and drain to.

Radon Release Pipe Water Trap    trap, that will catch and take hold condensation moisture pulled from the crawl space soil. A true radon fan can pull up to respective gallons of water a day from the soil conditional how a good deal moisture is present. Fitting installation requires each radon outlet pipes to be pitched so that whatever condensate or water drains open-plan back to the ground.  This partial blockage is not good for the fan and restricts the air flow, reducing the efficiency of the system and could get quite smutty over time.

Many Out-of-the-way and Unsafe Rn Mitigation System Pictures

Click to enlarge photo

Click to enlarge photo

Body of water hole formed in a radon vent pipe . This section of pipe could potentially pretty much completely occupy with water and block of the air stream which would render the system jolly much useless. Any plumber understands this is a big no no with drain pipes. Radon vent pipes require to follow plumbing drainage tabor pipe instalmen for the most set out because of all the moisture that is pulled through them.


Click pic to enlarge

Winnow install happening an angle and radon fan in a basement . In part for the cookie-cutter reason above all radon fans are required by the manufactures to be installed in an unsloped position because when installed horizontally operating room connected an angle as this fan, condensation will puddle and suit treed, filling the bottom section of the fan housing. The fan will personify spinning in water, making quite a racket and fail prematurely. It also voids the fan warranty. Second this fan is also installed in the cellar of a home – a refuge issue.

horizontal radon fan improper installation

Horizontal radon fan, uncomely installation, voids guarantee

Fan installed horizontally  and with flex duct and inside a basement. Three major problems here:

  1. Level fan installation – wrong, testament trap water, prematurely bear the fan out and voids warrantee.
  2. Installed in basement – wrong, potential safety jeopardize, peculiarly with the flimsy materials accustomed install this fan.
  3. Radon fan is attached with electrical tape to the plastic deform air! This is identical wrongly, a safety hazard, could well tear apart Beaver State seminal fluid loose. This totally improper vent material should be PVC plastic pipe attached to the lover with heavy duty rubber couplings.

Using plastic flex vent for radon vent pipe is unsafe.

Using plastic bend vent for radon vent pipe is unsafe.

Here is an object lesson I found connected the net. Plastic flex vent was used instead of rigid PVC pipe to vent the radon gas. The same defect is seen in the picture above also. This is a thin plastic with cable inside to keep IT from collapsing, insulated with fiberglass and an outer layer of this Mylar type plastic. This type of duct is designed to be used primarily for bathroom ventilating system fans and sometimes for HVAC heating and cooling system duct runs. The EPA radon mitigation standards expect that schedule 40 PVC tube be used for atomic number 86 vent pipes; that is the equivalent intolerant PVC pipe victimized for your plumbing system drain pipes in homes. This flimsy thin plastic vent in no way compares to Schedule 40 PVC pipe as you can visit. It could easily come loose, get over punctured operating theatre split, leaking impossible possibly very falsetto concentrations of radon throttle into the home.

Fan in basement, leaking water and radon gas

Fan in basement, leaking water and Rn gas into the base.

Improperly connected radon fan. Radon fans should be intended to the PVC vent pipes with rubber couplings. Here is a radon fan at a firm I inspected, where they tested to glue the fan to the pipe. This will save $15 to $20, the cost of the rubber couplings, but the buff is non properly bonded. This is a prophylactic issue, information technology could fall apart, information technology is leaking water from condensation and also leaking radon gas. Since the fan is in the cellar, the radon is leaking back into the house.

improper radon vent pipe material

Agenda 20 PVC pipe vs: schedule 40 PVC pipe

Unfit use of schedule 20 thin wall PVC pipe. Therein mental picture I placed 35 pound weights on two pieces of PVC tabor pipe to show the remainder in strength of the pipes. The thinner pipe on left over was two-dimensional by the weight only, I did not push down. The diluent schedule 20 PVC pipe on the left is most commonly used for radon mitigation because IT is much cheaper and easier to do work with than the heavier bagpipe. When the thinner pipe is used anyplace strange than inside fence in cavities Oregon in attics, information technology is an improper and unsafe installation. If it is exposed where information technology lavatory cost bumped into or slay it will easily crack, especially in freezing upwind it is quite an toffee.

If you bring fort a radon mitigation proposal be sure take which typecast of PVC shrill they will use. Most shorthand proposals bequeath merely aver "PVC pipe" and do not incoming whether it's schedule 20 Oregon agenda 40 pipe. These guys realise they are non using the proper bagpipe merely will commonly employ the proper schedule 40 type if you insist. Most guys will also try to explain that the thinner pipe is perfectly very well. Be aware there is a understanding why the EPA stipulates the stronger schedule 40 pipe beryllium used. I have seen the diluent pipe cracked, broken and falling apart, and unglued leaking fittings in very many instances. When exposed to the sun, the thinner pipe will break fine-tune and deteriorate concluded time from the sun's UV rays. Also there are several types and qualities of the thinner schedule 20 drain pipes, just about of which can non really be properly glued because the hubs fit sol loosely (they are designed to be pasted but to be slipped together for drainage of groundwater not for venting aura), which makes for loose and leaky joints resulting in leaking radon gas best if non falling apart.

Improperly installed horizontal radon fan, underground

Horizontal atomic number 86 fan, improper installation, underground. Click to magnify

Mud Match Fan Enclosure Here we have a atomic number 86 fan that was adorned surreptitious in horizontal position. Terrible musical theme, most sure enough an wrong initiation. Photo credit to another radon professionals website. Appears the corner has full with piddle at times, and about likely weewe also collects in bottom half of fan, to bathe the bearings, not good. You could not expect a fan installed like this to in conclusion long at all.

bad traps in radon vent, improper installation.

Two fans, both improperly installed with unfavorable "U" attribute traps in outlet pipes below the fans.

Double Difficulty In this photo two radon fans are installed, both take up with child traps formed in the outlet pipes. For some fans if the trap fills with water which is quite realizable over time, the level of water at the top of the trap is at least a foot preceding for each one winnow. This means the trap portions of the vent pipes and in this illustration the fans also would be filled with body of water, preventing any air flow, rendition the radon system inoperative. Not good at all, not to mention they would be quite a loud running much the likes of blenders than fans. Even though the fan motor bearing are sealed, they are non designed to run low-level water.

Radon Fan Black Schedule 40 Vs White Schedule 40

Source: http://best-inspection.com/radon-mitigation-substandard-materials-improper-methods-result-in-unsafe-systems/